Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sharks Are UFOs

We already know that sharks fly in the air at night. Given. But sometimes they are traveling so fast that they show up on airplane radar, or turn on their glowing mechanism so that they light up (this was discussed earlier in the section about how all sharks have super powers... try to keep up please). When this happens, dumb dumb humans think it’s UFOs.

Technically, they are right because sharks are from a different planet and they can’t be identified whilst flying around all catawampus, but they are actually dead wrong because they think that little green men with big heads and black eyes are driving circle ships. Wrong alert.


  1. dude....... this blog is freaking AWESOMEEE!!!!!! I LUUUUV ITTT!!!!!!!!! KEEP IT UP !!!!!!! SUPER EPIC WIN!!!!

  2. This blog pwns all the blogs in the world.
    But that's a stupid thing to say because OF COURSE IT DOES! IT'S ABOUT SHARKS

    srsly i lol'd all the way through this :D
